Home Gardening – Getting over the June Gloom

The month of June is a favorite many reasons. The kids love it because the school year is over, it is one of the most popular wedding months, the days last longer, and the temperature gets warmer but not so hot that you can’t move without breaking a sweat. Unfortunately it may not be hot enough for the early morning fog to burn off at the beach but it is ideal for growing some of the popular vegetables. So we’re going to show you some of the best vegies to plant in the pre-summer period to tide you over until it’s time to spend your days on the sand.

Tomatoes –


Basil –


Cucumbers –


Watermelons –


Some other things you should do- before Summer officially gets here. If you are in an area where the “June gloom” is particularly thick you want to wait until the weather warms up before you increase the amount of irrigation for vegetables and other heavily watered plants. When it does heat up don’t change the amount of time the sprinklers or other irrigation runs, instead run each zone more frequently.

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