
Sports Equipment – Your ‘Ol School’ Equipment is Still Good

There is a lot of new equipment and devices in the fitness world today.  Loads of new equipment for gyms and home use alike.  Some of it is truly innovative and some of it is useless.  After seeing my share of equipment come and go over many years of training I’ve come to realize that Read More …


Nutrition for Today’s Lifestyle – Don’t Be Over Served

When talking about nutrition usually the conversation is about what you should eat.  Today we are going to cover some things you should not eat, or at least moderate how much.  This is because of the long term negative effects on the body that to much of these substances can cause is serious. If you Read More …


Home Fitness Equipment – Getting the Most Bang for Your Buck

We all want a good deal and buying a piece of fitness equipment is no exception.  But with all the choices out there what is a good buy?  One consideration, besides price, is ”what do you want to accomplish?”. Specifically weight loss, muscle building, stronger core, etc. I realize that’s quite a bit to digest Read More …


Home Fitness Equipment – The Best and Worst

I have been in the world of fitness and conditioning for the last 25 years and have seen numerous trends, fads, and gimmicks. Over the past year we have reviewed several fitness programs, diets, and equipment. Some of the feedback we’ve received has been to be more decisive rather than simply reviewing all of the Read More …


Cardio Boxing – Maximizing Your ROI

For the past few months we’ve been looking at various fitness regiments to hopefully give you a feel for what’s out there and help you choose one that’s right for you. First and foremost to get the results you want, secondly to start a program that you can stick with. We’ve covered cross-fit and the Read More …


Which is the best Fitness Tracker?

No doubt the fitness craze that’s been dominating the conversation recently has been fitness tracking devices, so we lined them all up side-by-side to who would win the race. We reviewed Fit Bit, Garmin, IWatch, Adidas (these were the final four), Microsoft, IFIit, Jawbone, Basis Peak, Pebble Steel, and a few others. Now all of Read More …


Deciding If The Next Bandwagon Is Right For You

Over the years there have been an abundance of fitness ‘crazes’, going all the way back to aerobics in the 80’s, to stair masters and the like, then spinning, and Tae-Bo just to name a few. And like fanatics in other areas of life where beauty/results are subjective, opinions of effectiveness will vary.  Unfortunately the Read More …